15 million Aussies are on Facebook.Over 10 million are on linkedin and 5.3 million on Twitter
The global pandemic has obviously sent social media usage through the roof. But just as we are using social media more, people are more savvy with their time. They'll turn off quickly if your ads is in any way annoying, intrusive or inappropriate
Our experience as shown the importance of 1. formulating the right audience, 2. formulating the right message and 3. delivering it in an engaging way.
Sounds easy right? Well yes and no… it really comes down to how much work you put in. Having the experience and knowhow of the tools you need and what to do in advance will give you a massive advantage - and thats where we come in 😀
Gone are the days of “setting and forgetting” ads on Facebook. People spend time on all of the various platforms, for different reasons. Some of the platforms are more likely to attract certain demographics of people. While all of that sounds obvious, managing your messaging across all of these platforms is far from it.
Not only that, knowing the idiosyncrasies of the tools used on each platform is not easy. You need to be everywhere, with a crafted message for each platform - but how?
“The work completed for Prezzee has not only improved the analytics and tagging functions, but also had a positive impact of user experience as well as improvements to Prezzee’s back end processes.”
Renee Gangemi, Director at The Marketing Equation / Prezzee
We see digital marketing as a great relationship, from the very first chat to a happily ever after. Here's how it works: